Project Description
The problem with the laptops previously used by the department was their software from third-party providers, the installation and administration of which was complex and time-consuming. Additional problems also occurred in the case of version and update management. The option of running different applications at the same time could not be secured and/or prevented and there was no universal and overall user and permission management.
We were assigned the task of developing an “out-of-the-box” kiosk application that would act as a central platform across all systems and guarantee guided installation (instructions, input assistance, progress indicators, …), automated updates, tests (e.g. with regard to versions, compatibility and system requirements), seamless integration, user-specific approval and easy use of all relevant software tools from third-party providers.
The software needed to work as an add-on to the operating system and launch automatically. All relevant functions had to be encapsulated so that users were unable to access the operating system, which would in turn become obsolete. The application was also required to be internationalised, multitenant and able to be operated by touch.
We were assigned the task of analysing the feasibility of the desired functions (especially the encapsulation from the operating system) and developing a concept for this application. After developing the concept, we planned the implementation of the application together with the customer, provided the project manager and dealt with the development of the software based on the SCRUM framework and using state-of-the-art technologies.